
The LCI provides personal understand of our unique learning pattern and enables us to explain our function to others. it provides information for enhanced personal action and more effective team work.

Dr. Robert Kottkamp Read More
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Today, I am aware of my learning patterns and how they shape my academic experiences. I will use this new knowledge to establish goals for the upcoming semester . . . This will require that I stop making excuses when I fall short and start taking responsibility for my actions. It also requires that I consistently evaluate my behaviors and reward myself when I do well. l will approach these matters incrementally to reap long-term benefits.

- University of South Florida

We have used the LCI in trainings for manufacturing process, hospital employees, teachers, departments staff developments and team building for foundation employees, I know it is working when 12 months after I have done an LCI workshop, Participants call me back telling me of their continued application of the process.

- Dr. Harriett Hilton
Technical College of the Low Country

The LCI has not only given me a stronger foothold on learning, it has also inspired me to make myself a better person in all aspects of my life.

- Jeffery Hall
University of south Florida

Teachers who are using the LCI to understand their students as learners are successful in meeting the needs of the diverese learners in their classroom, They are responsive to the students learning processes and able to different instruction much more effectively.

- Judy McLaughlin
Lawrenceville Elementary School

What suprised me most was quickly people get it. LCR staff translates complex concepts about theory into understand, even enjoyable excercises in learning more about ourselves, More importantly, they gave us a means by which we can apply that self awarness in productive ways.

- Noreen Campbell
30-years veteran of a
leading multinational chemical corporation

The LCI provides personal understand of our unique learning pattern and enables us to explain our function to others. it provides information for enhanced personal action and more effective team work.

- Dr. Robert Kottkamp
Hofstra University